The Blockchain Holding Company



“Wherever distributed ledger technologies disrupt an old way of doing business, we’ll be there: to revamp, refashion, and replace it with something better. Wherever blockchain seizes the public imagination and drives the public conversation: we’ll be there to build, and bundle, and boost consumer-facing brands. Wherever decentralization topples yet another tired gatekeeper, and flings doors open anew, we’ll be there: to empower, and equip, and enable new entrants seeking new opportunities. Blockchain technology is so much bigger than just coin trading. It’s going to be part of our lives, for the rest of our lives. For those who see the disruption coming, for those who see the possibilities in the disruptions already underway, this is the company for you.”

Jordan Fried | Chairman & CEO


Don’t just own cryptocurrency.
Own the blockchain.


Immutable Holdings is a collection of digital asset-oriented businesses operating within the emerging space of Web3. We’re building products and services that drive awareness and adoption of digital assets within an industry poised for growth.